首屆灣聲國際音樂大賽2023 年 7 月於臺北登場,以全世界唯一一個臺灣音樂及臺灣作曲家之內容作為比賽項目,由國際評審團以及高額獎金網羅全世界的演奏家,評審團由Patricia Shih、Nikita Pogrebno、Artem Konstantinov、曾耿元、梁建楓、鄭立彬、薛志璋、李宜錦、黃維明、吳庭毓、蘇顯達等國際知名演奏家、指揮家組成,將藉由三階段賽制及網路直播分享精彩的賽程。

第一名:Klever Quartet

Klever Quartet is a young bright professional collective founded by Igor Botvin, a graduate of the St. Petersburg Conservatory.
In 2014, the quartet together with singer Svetlana Surganova recorded the album "Playing Classics". The presentation of the program with the same name was held in more than 50 cities of Russia.
In 2015, the Klever Quartet in collaboration with Murat Kabardokov recorded the album "Songs without Words", consisting of Murat's original compositions. The presentation of the CD took place at the St. Petersburg State Philharmonic, the Moscow International House of Music and the Nalchik Musical Theater.
In 2016, the Klever Quartet performed in more than 10 US cities. For a series of concerts, all musicians were awarded a "Certificate of Recognition" from the Ministry of Culture of California and the State of Texas.
In 2018, the musicians together with Murat Kabardokov released the second disc - "Solo, Duo, Quintetto" and a disc with music by Japanese composer Tarumi Kadzunori "Night Stories" In addition to modern academic music, the Klever Quartet recorded music for performances, ballets, as well as many modern films, including participants of the Shanghai and Berlin Film Festivals.
Winner of the second prize of the VII International Leopold Auer Competition 2020.
Winner of the first prize of the first international competition named afterRudolf Barshay 2020.
The quartet represented Russia at the prestigious Vibre String Quartet Festival in Bordeaux, France 2022.
The quartet performed at the opening of the Russian House in Madrid, where it was celebrated by Queen Sofia of Spain.
The quartet's performances were highly appreciated by such musicians as Veronika Hagen (Hagen Quartet), Gabriel Le Magadure (Ebène Quartet), Momo Kodama and others.
Since its foundation, the quartet has been constantly improving its skills, bringing Western trends of modern quartet performance to the conservative St. Petersburg school of chamber Ensemble.


‘‘This Quartet’’ is a string quartet founded in 2022 in Taipei. It is now entering its first official season. ‘‘This Quartet’’ is known for its complex musical background including apprenticeship from The Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory, The Curtis Institute of Music, The Juilliard School, and London Royal College of Music. Each member of ‘‘This Quartet’’ contributes a unique cultural background to the group, which brings intense diversity into its performances. ‘‘This Quartet’’ is currently under the management of Opus Music.

第二名:Jio One String Quartet

我們是一群喜歡音樂的學生,在學習古典樂的過程,拉奏台灣民謠體驗截然不同的音樂風格並學習團結合作的精神。我們在練習的過程中,互相學習彼此的音色及技巧琢磨使詮釋一致雖然在練習中遇到許多挫折, 但我們還是一一克服。每個成員都是老師,討論如何讓音樂更加生動靈活。增加團體默契與溝通是室內樂重要的一部分,是合奏而不是我們習慣的獨奏,討論與溝通過程中需要設想到各個方面,尊重與包容必不可少。
JIO ONE String Quartet是一群不同年齡的國高中音樂班學生組成,因緣際會下我們一同參加了灣聲弦樂四重奏的比賽。合作過程中我們體驗到了弦樂四重奏獨特的音響效果,在拉奏時的音準是需要非常精確的技術。並不是完美的頻率442才是對的,而是4個人的音準加起來的和聲是諧和的才叫準,這是我們體會到的點。在臺灣音樂風氣中,很多人會非常專注於獨奏而比較少接觸到室內樂和聲練習方式,我們也藉著這次比賽的機會練習到這個部分。
